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banda ancha

Avisos de Contratación

Press and Outreach Firm Services

Fecha Límite para enviar propuestas:
January 23, 2023
Número Aviso

The Office of Management and Budget of Puerto Rico (PROMB), presents this invitation to submit quotes and informal proposals for a Press and Outreach Firm Services Contract.

The Governor of Puerto Rico, by means of the Executive Order No. 2022-040, created the Broadband Program in Puerto Rico (PRBP or the Program) under the PROMB and established the Executive Committee to supervise and administer disbursements of federal funds pursuant to Public Law 117-58, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Broadband Infrastructure Grant, the Capital Project Fund, and the Fiscal Plan, as certified by the Fiscal Oversight Management Board. In the past months, the PROMB has been awarded additional funding for the PRBP by the NTIA by means of the State Digital Equity and BEAD planning grants. The PROMB will carry out broadband activities through the PRBP by integrating the use of the allocated and awarded funds.

The Proposer will be directly responsible for ensuring the accuracy, timeliness, and completion of all tasks assigned under this contract. The scope of work presented is based upon circumstances existing at the time of solicitation. The OGP reserves the right to modify or delete the tasks listed and, if appropriate, add additional tasks prior to and during the term of the contract.

If additional funds are allocated to the PROMB during the life of the contract, Proposer staff may be assigned to work on those future funds awarded and potentially expand those services to accommodate other similar programs yet to be defined. There is no guarantee of a minimum level of services which may be requested by the PROMB under a contract. The role of the Press and Outreach Firm plays a key role in the execution of the awarded, time sensitive project.

The time period under which the services must be provided is from January 2023 until September 30, 2023.

The entity that will offer services must have an active account and an active RUP ASG registration at the time of submittal of the Proposal for Professional Services, which is January 20, 2022.  

The organization that offers the services must meet the following requirements.  

Outreach Firm RFP Issued by Broadband Program

·      Deliver high quality services as outlined below with skill, integrity, confidentiality, accuracy, and expertise,

·      Must have Press, Media and Outreach experience gained within a B2C environment

·      Experience within Telecoms or Broadband would be an advantage

·      Excellent stakeholder, agency, and communication skills (English and Spanish)

·      Proficient use of office and project managing tools and software.

·      Available to start with little or no notice

·      Are knowledgeable concerning Information Technology (IT) and their administration, procedures, and policies, including in depth knowledge of Broadband, technology, Communications functions, and best practices.

·      Have an established reputation for superior consulting,

·      Are experienced in conducting similar Press and Media Strategies.

·      Possess a comprehensive understanding of how government organizations (preferably in the IT sector) are structured and function and Offer services on a competitive fee basis.

·      Manage the media relations and exposure of the Broadband Program to users, media, public and private partners.

·      The development of a long-range strategic integrated press and outreach plan for the Broadband Program.

·      Works with internal stakeholders and external partners to execute strategic marketing communications

·      By phone or teleconference capabilities, participate in monthly strategy discussions with Puerto Rico Broadband program outreach team.

·      Monitor local and national publications and online alerts for Puerto Rico Broadband Program.

·      Develop and manage a 12-month calendar for the outreach execution plan.

·      Provide management and direction in implementing and maintaining a strategic communication plan by managing media relations for the Puerto Rico Broadband Program, keeping the public and the workforce informed, and engaging the public in each Broadband effort.

·      Execute de coordination of assessment meetings for each municipality for the Broadband Program.

·      Work with Staff to identify needed policy and procedure updates, seek approval, and implement updates.

·      Develop a monthly digital news platform to educate and advise issues, meetings, events, programs, services, and projects for Broadband location projects for community engagement and integration.

·      Monitor and research current and relevant emerging research, industry, and policy developments. Monitor local and national publications and online alerts for stories about Puerto Rico Broadband Program.

·      Support outreach with policymakers, industry players, academia, and key opinion formers in thoughtful dialogue

·      Provide crisis communication counsel as necessary.

·      Engage directly with regulators, industry players, and key thought leaders to shape policy and political dialogue around access to information and the (tele)communications ecosystem if needed.

·      Develop news releases, media advisories.

·      Provide community outreach to ensure public engagement related to Broadband ongoing activities and objectives, including ongoing connectivity messaging, surveys, quality reporting, graphic design, and media outreach.

·      Examine people’s knowledge of initiatives of the Broadband Program by focus groups and listening sessions to develop strategies for promoting efforts in the community.

·      Enhance the program’s social media outlets, including providing strategic support for communication projects, initiatives, and campaigns designed to advance the vision, mission, image, and branding.

·      Create messaging to drive interaction and share relevant content by providing opportunities to interact with the programs and services.

·      Develop strategies to raise public and community awareness of the Broadband program.

·      Connect with community leaders, organizations after Outreach Manager’s approval.

·      Tracking and responding to stories, events, and crises, from communities and in the media that may benefit the program from a response on behalf of the Broadband program, upon direction and approval by the Broadband Director & Outreach Manager.

·      Submit monthly reports to the Broadband Program Committee by summarizing activities during the previous month before identified due date. Meet with the Community Outreach Manager and Coordinator to discuss reports and deliverables.

·      Proposals submissions shall contain the following information. A general description of the Consultant firm’s approach to this project, including an explanation of the approach and methodology used

·      A “not-to-exceed cost” to perform the scope of services should be listed above and include, if applicable, hourly rates to perform work and a fee schedule for reimbursable expenses.

Solicitud de Contratación

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La Oficina de Gerencia y Presupuesto y el Programa de Banda Ancha de Puerto Rico Broadband no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, edad, religión, orientación sexual o identidad de género, o discapacidad, y proporciona, previa solicitud, acomodo razonable, incluyendo asistencia y servicios, para permitir a una persona con alguna discapacidad la misma oportunidad de participar en todos los programas y actividades. La Oficina de Gerencia y Presupuesto se esfuerza continuamente por hacer que esta plataforma web sea fácil de navegar para los lectores de pantalla, así como para otras funcionalidades relacionadas con la accesibilidad, además de proporcionar acceso a los documentos. Para solicitar asistencia con este sitio web o copia de un documento específico, puede comunicarse al 787-721-7100x3257 o escribir un correo electrónico a

The Office of Management and Budget and the Puerto Rico Broadband Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, or disability, and provides, upon request, reasonable accommodation, including auxiliary aids and services, to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in all services, programs and activities. The Office of Management and Budget continually strives to make this web platform friendly to screen readers and other accessibility-related software and provide to accessible documents. To request assistance with this site or a copy of a specific document, please call or write to 787-721-7100 x 3257 or