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banda ancha

Avisos de Contratación

Request for Quote(s) for Professional Services for: Legal Professional Services

Fecha Límite para enviar propuestas:
October 27, 2024
Número Aviso

The Respondent shall provide legal and advisory services in the following areas:


1.     Telecommunications Law and Regulation

o   Advise on all matters related to telecommunications law, including compliance with federal (FCC) and state(Telecommunications Regulatory Board of Puerto Rico) regulations.

o   Provide regulatory guidance and ensure compliance with telecommunications policy frameworks impacting broadband deployment.


2.     Broadband Deployment and Infrastructure Development

o   Offer legal counsel on the development of broadband infrastructure, including negotiating and structuring agreements for fiber optic deployment, network management, and other telecommunications technologies.


3.     TelecommunicationsContracting and Vendor Management

o   Draft and negotiate telecommunications service agreements, vendor contracts, and network deployment contracts.

o   Ensure that all contracts include appropriate terms for service quality, performance standards, and compliance with applicable laws.


4.     TelecommunicationsPolicy and Advocacy

o   Assist PRBP in the development of telecommunications policy initiatives aimed at expanding broadband access and promoting digital equity across Puerto Rico.

o   Advocate on behalf ofPRBP before federal and state regulatory bodies as necessary to further policy objectives.


5.     FederalTelecommunications Grants and Funding Programs


o   Provide expert assistance in identifying, applying for, and managing federal telecommunications grants, including those offered under programs such as theBroadband Equity, Access, Capital Projects Fund (CPF), and Deployment (BEAD)Program.

o   Ensure compliance with grant requirements and reporting obligations.


6.     Compliance with Federal and Commonwealth Telecommunications Regulations

o   Ensure that all PRBP initiatives and contracts adhere to federal telecommunications laws and PuertoRican regulations.

o  Monitor and report on any changes in the regulatory landscape that may affect broadband deployment or operations in Puerto Rico.


7.     Network and InfrastructureSharing

o   Shared Network AssetsManagement:Provide legal guidance and strategic advice on the management and coordination of shared telecommunication assets, including poles, conduits, and fiber optic networks, to ensure equitable access and compliance with applicable regulations.

o   Negotiation of Shared UseAgreements:Assist in the negotiation, drafting, and review of agreements governing the shared use of telecommunications infrastructure, ensuring that all parties have fair and nondiscriminatory access to the network assets.

o   Legal and Regulatory Compliance for Shared Infrastructure: Ensure that all shared infrastructure arrangements comply with federal, state, and local regulations, and that the terms protect the interests of the parties involved while promoting the efficient use of resources.

o   Dispute Resolution in SharedInfrastructure: Offer legal strategies for resolving disputes related to shared infrastructure, including access, usage rights, and maintenance responsibilities.

o   Risk Management in SharedNetwork Environments: Identify and mitigate potential legal and operational risks associated with network sharing, including issues related to liability, network integrity, and service continuity.

For the full document please click here.

Solicitud de Contratación

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La Oficina de Gerencia y Presupuesto y el Programa de Banda Ancha de Puerto Rico Broadband no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, edad, religión, orientación sexual o identidad de género, o discapacidad, y proporciona, previa solicitud, acomodo razonable, incluyendo asistencia y servicios, para permitir a una persona con alguna discapacidad la misma oportunidad de participar en todos los programas y actividades. La Oficina de Gerencia y Presupuesto se esfuerza continuamente por hacer que esta plataforma web sea fácil de navegar para los lectores de pantalla, así como para otras funcionalidades relacionadas con la accesibilidad, además de proporcionar acceso a los documentos. Para solicitar asistencia con este sitio web o copia de un documento específico, puede comunicarse al 787-721-7100x3257 o escribir un correo electrónico a

The Office of Management and Budget and the Puerto Rico Broadband Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, or disability, and provides, upon request, reasonable accommodation, including auxiliary aids and services, to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in all services, programs and activities. The Office of Management and Budget continually strives to make this web platform friendly to screen readers and other accessibility-related software and provide to accessible documents. To request assistance with this site or a copy of a specific document, please call or write to 787-721-7100 x 3257 or