The Governor of Puerto Rico, by means of the Executive Order No. 2022-040, created the Broadband Program in Puerto Rico (PRBP or the Program) under the PROMB and established the Executive Committee to supervise and administer disbursements of federal funds pursuant to Public Law 117-58, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Broadband Infrastructure Grant, the Capital Project Fund, and the Fiscal Plan, as certified by the Fiscal Oversight Management Board.
The Proposer will be directly responsible for ensuring the accuracy, timeliness, and completion of all tasks assigned under this contract. The scope of work presented is based upon circumstances existing at the time of solicitation. The OGP reserves the right to modify or delete the tasks listed and, if appropriate, add additional tasks prior to and during the term of the contract.
If additional funds are allocated to the PROMB during the life of the contract, Proposer staff may be assigned to work on those future funds awarded and potentially expand those services to accommodate other similar programs yet to be defined. There is no guarantee of a minimum level of services which may be requested by the PROMB under a contract.
The role of the Advertising and Design Services Firm plays a key role in the execution of the awarded, time-sensitive project.
The time-period under which the services must be provided is from July 1, 2024, until June 30, 2025.
The entity that will offer services must have an active account and an active RUP ASG registration at the time of submittal of the Proposal for Professional Services, which is July 1, 2024.
The organization that offers the services must meet the following requirements.
The Office of Management and Budget of Puerto Rico (PROMB)presents this invitation to submit quotes and informal proposals for a Marketing/Communications Services Contract.
The Governor of Puerto Rico, by means of the Executive Order No. 2022-040, created the Broadband Program in Puerto Rico (PRBP or the Program) under the PROMB and established the Executive Committee to supervise and administer disbursements of federal funds pursuant to Public Law 117-58, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Broadband Infrastructure Grant, the Capital Project Fund, and the Fiscal Plan, as certified by the Fiscal Oversight Management Board. In the past months, the PROMB has been awarded additional funding for the PRBP by the NTIA by means of the State Digital Equity and BEAD planning grants. The PROMB will carry out broadband activities through the PRBP by integrating the use of the allocated and awarded funds.
The Proposer will be directly responsible for ensuring the accuracy, timeliness, and completion of all tasks assigned under this contract. The scope of work presented is based upon circumstances existing at the time of solicitation. The OGP reserves the right to modify or delete the tasks listed and, if appropriate, add additional tasks prior to and during the term of the contract.
If additional funds are allocated to the PROMB during the life of the contract, Proposer staff may be assigned to work on those future funds awarded and potentially expand those services to accommodate other similar programs yet to be defined. There is no guarantee of a minimum level of services which may be requested by the PROMB under a contract.
The role of the Marketing/Communications Firm plays a key role in the execution of the awarded, time sensitive project.
The time period under which the services must be provided is from January 2023 until September 30, 2023.
The entity that will offer services must have an active account and an active RUP ASG registration at the time of submittal of the Proposal for Professional Services, which is January 20, 2022.
The organization that offers the services must meet the following requirements.
Communications RFP Issued by Broadband Program
· Deliver high quality services as outlined below with skill, integrity, confidentiality, accuracy, and expertise,
· Must have Creative Marketing and Comms experience gained within a B2C environment
· Experience within Telecoms or Broadband would be an advantage
· Excellent stakeholder, agency, and communication skills (English and Spanish)
· Proficient use of office and project managing tools and software.
· Available to start with little or no notice
· Are knowledgeable concerning Information Technology (IT) and their administration, procedures, and policies, including in depth knowledge of Broadband, technology, Communications functions, and best practices.
· Have an established reputation for superior consulting,
· Are experienced in conducting similar Marketing and Communications Strategies.
· Possess a comprehensive understanding of how government organizations (preferably in the IT sector) are structured and function and Offer services on a competitive fee basis.
· Manage the visual communication of the Broadband Program to users, media, public and private partners.
· The development of a long-range strategic integrated communications plan for the Broadband Program.
· Works with internal stakeholders and external partners to execute strategic marketing communications
· Responsible for the management of the end-to-end creative process
· Management of large multimedia and production budgets
· Responsible for campaign planning including measures of success
· Preparing educational materials
· Responsible for reviewing and approving through the line execution
· Conducting planning sessions with our board of directors, staff, and key stakeholders.
· Development of timelines for the implementation of the Broadband Communications Plan
· Concept development, including quality graphic design.
· Develop original copy (text), copywriting, and editing, including Spanish and other language marketing collateral for Communications & Outreach Services
· Implementation of task lists; presenting the final plan to staff and board members.
· Professional third-party review of our current communications strategic plan. Description of Task: The Consultant will work with the Executive Director and senior management to develop a communication and marketing plan that identifies the program’s key messages, target audience(s), and potential communication actions.
· Support outreach firm with invitees and graphic materials.
· Develop position papers and programs to anticipate and contribute to the public debate, regarding access to information and communications policy.
· Design and conduct working sessions with board members, staff, and key stakeholders. Description of Task: The consultant firm will work with the Executive Director and Broadband team to incorporate the priorities identified in the work sessions into a final version of the Board’s communication plan, and to develop a detailed implementation plan for 2023 that focuses on implementing identified priorities. The final draft will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and key partners.
· Provide recommendations and strategies as deemed appropriate to enhance the Program’s image, messaging, and brand identity.
· Develop articles, website content, and fact sheet for District events, initiatives, projects, and services.
· Develop strategies for countering misinformation and misconceptions.
· Provide Broadband Program team with guidance on marketing best practices as a critical Communications & Outreach Services source for social media content.
· Identify appropriate imagery to aid social media posts’ work impact and reach.
· Build messaging that can be used in various channels, including social media, and paid traditional media, to target critical audiences through timely and relevant channels to drive awareness, create an emotional connection, educate on important actions, and drive traffic to the website & program.
· Submit monthly reports to the Broadband Program Committee by summarizing activities during the previous month before identified due date. Meet with the Community Outreach Manager and Coordinator to discuss reports and deliverables.
· Proposals submissions shall contain the following information. A general description of the Consultant firm’s approach to this project, including an explanation of the approach and methodology used
A “not-to-exceed cost” to perform the scope of services should be listed above and include, if applicable, hourly rates to perform work and a fee schedule for reimbursable expenses.
The Office of Management and Budget of Puerto Rico (PROMB), presents this invitation to submit quotes and informal proposals for a Press and Outreach Firm Services Contract.
The Governor of Puerto Rico, by means of the Executive Order No. 2022-040, created the Broadband Program in Puerto Rico (PRBP or the Program) under the PROMB and established the Executive Committee to supervise and administer disbursements of federal funds pursuant to Public Law 117-58, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Broadband Infrastructure Grant, the Capital Project Fund, and the Fiscal Plan, as certified by the Fiscal Oversight Management Board. In the past months, the PROMB has been awarded additional funding for the PRBP by the NTIA by means of the State Digital Equity and BEAD planning grants. The PROMB will carry out broadband activities through the PRBP by integrating the use of the allocated and awarded funds.
The Proposer will be directly responsible for ensuring the accuracy, timeliness, and completion of all tasks assigned under this contract. The scope of work presented is based upon circumstances existing at the time of solicitation. The OGP reserves the right to modify or delete the tasks listed and, if appropriate, add additional tasks prior to and during the term of the contract.
If additional funds are allocated to the PROMB during the life of the contract, Proposer staff may be assigned to work on those future funds awarded and potentially expand those services to accommodate other similar programs yet to be defined. There is no guarantee of a minimum level of services which may be requested by the PROMB under a contract. The role of the Press and Outreach Firm plays a key role in the execution of the awarded, time sensitive project.
The time period under which the services must be provided is from January 2023 until September 30, 2023.
The entity that will offer services must have an active account and an active RUP ASG registration at the time of submittal of the Proposal for Professional Services, which is January 20, 2022.
The organization that offers the services must meet the following requirements.
Outreach Firm RFP Issued by Broadband Program
· Deliver high quality services as outlined below with skill, integrity, confidentiality, accuracy, and expertise,
· Must have Press, Media and Outreach experience gained within a B2C environment
· Experience within Telecoms or Broadband would be an advantage
· Excellent stakeholder, agency, and communication skills (English and Spanish)
· Proficient use of office and project managing tools and software.
· Available to start with little or no notice
· Are knowledgeable concerning Information Technology (IT) and their administration, procedures, and policies, including in depth knowledge of Broadband, technology, Communications functions, and best practices.
· Have an established reputation for superior consulting,
· Are experienced in conducting similar Press and Media Strategies.
· Possess a comprehensive understanding of how government organizations (preferably in the IT sector) are structured and function and Offer services on a competitive fee basis.
· Manage the media relations and exposure of the Broadband Program to users, media, public and private partners.
· The development of a long-range strategic integrated press and outreach plan for the Broadband Program.
· Works with internal stakeholders and external partners to execute strategic marketing communications
· By phone or teleconference capabilities, participate in monthly strategy discussions with Puerto Rico Broadband program outreach team.
· Monitor local and national publications and online alerts for Puerto Rico Broadband Program.
· Develop and manage a 12-month calendar for the outreach execution plan.
· Provide management and direction in implementing and maintaining a strategic communication plan by managing media relations for the Puerto Rico Broadband Program, keeping the public and the workforce informed, and engaging the public in each Broadband effort.
· Execute de coordination of assessment meetings for each municipality for the Broadband Program.
· Work with Staff to identify needed policy and procedure updates, seek approval, and implement updates.
· Develop a monthly digital news platform to educate and advise issues, meetings, events, programs, services, and projects for Broadband location projects for community engagement and integration.
· Monitor and research current and relevant emerging research, industry, and policy developments. Monitor local and national publications and online alerts for stories about Puerto Rico Broadband Program.
· Support outreach with policymakers, industry players, academia, and key opinion formers in thoughtful dialogue
· Provide crisis communication counsel as necessary.
· Engage directly with regulators, industry players, and key thought leaders to shape policy and political dialogue around access to information and the (tele)communications ecosystem if needed.
· Develop news releases, media advisories.
· Provide community outreach to ensure public engagement related to Broadband ongoing activities and objectives, including ongoing connectivity messaging, surveys, quality reporting, graphic design, and media outreach.
· Examine people’s knowledge of initiatives of the Broadband Program by focus groups and listening sessions to develop strategies for promoting efforts in the community.
· Enhance the program’s social media outlets, including providing strategic support for communication projects, initiatives, and campaigns designed to advance the vision, mission, image, and branding.
· Create messaging to drive interaction and share relevant content by providing opportunities to interact with the programs and services.
· Develop strategies to raise public and community awareness of the Broadband program.
· Connect with community leaders, organizations after Outreach Manager’s approval.
· Tracking and responding to stories, events, and crises, from communities and in the media that may benefit the program from a response on behalf of the Broadband program, upon direction and approval by the Broadband Director & Outreach Manager.
· Submit monthly reports to the Broadband Program Committee by summarizing activities during the previous month before identified due date. Meet with the Community Outreach Manager and Coordinator to discuss reports and deliverables.
· Proposals submissions shall contain the following information. A general description of the Consultant firm’s approach to this project, including an explanation of the approach and methodology used
· A “not-to-exceed cost” to perform the scope of services should be listed above and include, if applicable, hourly rates to perform work and a fee schedule for reimbursable expenses.
In accordance with Article 2 (b) of Act No. 147-1980, as amended, known as the “Organic Law of the Office of Management and Budget”, of Executive Order 2021-029 of April 27, 2021, Circular Letter No. 013-2021 of the Office of Management and Budget (OGP), Executive Order 2022-040 of July 11, 2022, and the Regulations and Manuals adopted pursuant to the creation of the Puerto Rico Broadband Program (Broadband Program or the Program), the OGP and the Band Program is issuing this Request for Quotes for the acquisition of Competitive Process Writing Services (RFPs, RFQs) for Professional Services under federal funding.
The Broadband Program is committed to promoting fair and open competition while seeking a cost-competitive option. Proposals will only be received electronically on the Broadband Program page, Proposers are cautioned that OGP will not require or accept physical proposal submissions, whether by courier, FedEx, UPS, DHL, personal delivery or similar physical means, or by email.
The deadline for submitting informal quotes/proposals is Friday, March 31, 2023. You can submit quotes at a rate of hours Estimated by process.
The OGP and the Puerto Rico Broadband Broadband Program is a patron that offers equal opportunities and does not discriminate based on sex, gender or sexual identity, race, age, national origin, religious belief, marital status, war veterans, disability, or disability status.
Scope/Description of the Professional Service:
1. Review and development of procedure manuals, forms, templates and other necessary documents.
2. Develop customized documents for requests for proposals for professional services.
3. Work with the Program to identify areas for improvement in scope of work, rubrics and other documents as needed.
4. Ensure the quality of the products and services that are requested.
5. Support in the selection process of the right and appropriate proposer
6. Write the terms and analyze costs to obtain the most advantageous price for the Program.
7. Ensure the availability of support during the request for proposals process.
8. Ensure compliance with state and federal regulations applicable to procurement processes.
9. Streamline and simplify processes within the agency's established framework.
Minimum Requirements:
Contract term: 3 months (April-June 2023), can be extended according to the needs of the Program and availability of funds.
Contact Person:
Nivis Gonzalez
The Office of Management and Budgeting (OGP) requests proposals to obtain auditing services, particularly for the process of Single Audit. OGP needs to hire the services of an independent auditor (s) to carry out the Single Audit corresponding to the 2022- 2023 fiscal year. These audits must be performed in compliance with generally accepted auditing standards established in the Government Auditing Standards of the U.S. General Office. UU. (GAO), the federal provisions of 2 CFR Part 200, the Federal Single Audit Act, and Circular A-122, Audits of State and Local Governments.
Closing Date: Proposals must be submitted on or before Friday, March 3, 2022 to the email Proposals will only be received electronically. Proposers are cautioned that OGP will not require or accept physical proposal submissions, whether by courier, FedEx, UPS, DHL, personal delivery, or similar physical means. Proposals received after the established date will not be accepted or evaluated.
All questions and concerns related to this request, including any request for information and clarification, must be made in writing to the email Assistance will not be provided through any other means. All questions and answers will be documented and distributed to all OGP proponents.
The OGP is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender or sexual identity, race, age, national origin, religious belief, marital status, war veterans, disability, or disability status.
Minimum Requirements:
Entities eligible to participate in this call must be legally authorized to do business in Puerto Rico, and have previous experience in the requested areas. Eligible entities must not be in a current contract with the OGP or performing tasks that conflict in any way with the independence of the CPA firm.
To participate in this call, the proposer must meet the following minimum criteria:
The OGP will award the contract under the most favorable conditions and in the best interests of our office.
Puerto Rico Broadband Program
In accordance with article 2(b) of Act No. 147-1980, as amended, known as the "Management and Budget Office Organic Act", Executive Order 2021-029 of April 27, 2021, the Circular Letter No. 013-2021 of the Office of Management and Budget (PROMB), Executive Order 2022-040 of July 11, 2022, and the Regulations and Manuals adopted by virtue of the creation of the Puerto Rico Broadband Program (Broadband Program or the Program), the PROMB and is issuing this Request for Quote(s) for Support Efforts (Digital Equity Asset Inventory, Stakeholder Engagement Support, and Digital Equity Survey) related to the Development of the State Digital Equity Planning Grant (SDEPG) and Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment Program (BEAD) Plans under federal funds.
The Broadband Program is committed in promoting fair and open competition while seeking a competitive and cost-effective option. Proposals will only be received electronically through the Broadband Program webpage, Proposers are cautioned that the PROMB will not require nor accept physical proposal submissions, whether they be by courier, FedEx, UPS, DHL, personal delivery, or similar physical means, or by email.
The deadline to submit informal quotes/proposals is Friday, March 31, 2023. Quotes may be submitted for all the required work or by service (See Scope/Description of Work 1.1-1.3).
The PROMB and the Broadband Program is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on sex, gender or sexual identity, race, age, national origin, religious creed, marital status, war veteran status, disability, or disability status.
Scope/Description of Work:
1.1 Digital Equity Asset Inventory
· Compile a list of government agency and regional plans that overlap with aspects of the NTIA’s SDEPG and BEAD programs.
· Provide analysis of relevant plans and key points of connection with PROMB’s efforts.
· Develop a list of existing digital inclusion-related programs and resources in Puerto Rico, what services are provided and to whom, and their operations details.
· Provide scheduled updates to the Program and PROMB on progress.
· Coordinate with the Program to incorporate findings in planning, including sharing overlap components with stakeholders.
· Create a final report of findings.
1.2 Stakeholder Engagement Support
· Propose a targeted approach to interviews with individuals from organizations or agencies representing covered populations as defined by the Digital Equity Act, including:
· Develop a list of proposed organizations or agencies to be included in interview series.
· Craft a series of interview questions informed by the Program.
· Schedule and conduct interviews.
· Draft a report of key findings, as well as transcripts of all interviews.
1.3 Digital Equity Survey
· Propose a survey approach and implementation plan, including sampling that:
· Draft a survey instrument in English and Spanish informed by previous work and IIJA guidelines, with advisement from the PROMB and its digital equity contractors.
· Conduct interviews, data review, and analysis.
· Provide the PROMB with full results from the administered survey, including survey weights, as well as a document that contains a set of weighted crosstab tables and a weighted topline document.
· Provide the PROMB with a final analysis document outlining key takeaways from survey results.
Minimum Requirements:
· Knowledge of SDEPG and BEAD grants fund requirements.
· Personnel must be fully bilingual – documents will be worked in both English and Spanish.
· Proponents must abide by all applicable regulations, both federal and state, that cover the Works that will be provided, including but not limited to, Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, Davis Bacon Act & Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act (40 USC §§ 3141-3144 & 3146-3148; 40 USC § 3145), Equal Employment Opportunity (41 CFR Chapter 60), Safety Standards Act (40 USC §§ 3701-3708), among others.
· Have the Certificación Única de Proveedores de Servicios Profesionales, issued by the Unique Registry of Professional Service Providers from the ASG.
· If the entity is a legal person, a Certification with the names of all the owners, shareholders, and officers of the corporation.
· Prior to the contract execution, the agency will search data bases, using their Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) to ensure that the proponent is not disqualified and can receive federal funds. As such, proponents must have their UEI and be registered in the System for Award Management, at the moment the proposal/quote is submitted or immediately after. For additional information on SAM, visit Contracts will be awarded only to an entity(ies) that is authorized and have not been deemed ineligible for the award of a contract due to a suspension, disabled, or limited denial of participation.
· Any other requirement and/or document called for by applicable law for services of this nature.
Contract term: 3-4 months (April-June/July 2023), could be extended according to the Program’s needs and availability of funds.
Point of Contact:
Enrique Vólckers
The objective of this project is to develop a complete and integrated broadband GIS visualization tool that allows for data aggregation and an open dashboard to support the Puerto Rico Broadband Program. The tool will enable users to visualize and analyze geospatial data related to broadband infrastructure, such as tower locations, network coverage, connection speeds, and other relevant metrics. The open dashboard will allow users to customize their experience and access real-time information.
The Puerto Rico Broadband Program was created by Governor Hon. Pedro R. Pierluisi through Executive Order 2022-40. The primary purpose of this program is to coordinate, authorize, and execute the disbursement of local and federal funds assigned to Puerto Rico for the construction of broadband infrastructure. The Program will develop a 5-year Strategic Plan which will guarantee that the funds are used within the terms established to do so and will ensure that the necessary broadband infrastructure is promptly built to close the digital divide on the island.
The Program will also have the obligation to establish the necessary controls to ensure that the use of these funds is carried out in accordance with the applicable regulations. The Program will be administered by an Executive Committee that will be made up of the Government's Chief Innovation and Information Executive, an official with decision-making power from the Telecommunications Bureau, the Office of Management and Budget, the Department of Finance, and the Assistant Secretary of the Government for Innovation, Information, Data and Technology.
The Puerto Rico Broadband Program is focused on:
Connectivity for all residential, commercial, and government structures in Puerto Rico, so that every resident of the island has access to high-speed Internet through the correct infrastructure
Quality and speed in the connectivity that reaches the citizen at his home, business or office, guaranteeing a minimum recurring capacity of 100MPS/20MPS
Accessibility so that the citizen can obtain high-speed Internet reliably and at an affordable price
Basic knowledge so that every citizen can use the necessary technological equipment to connect to high-speed Internet, whether it is to connect with their government, school, doctors and/or work
A qualified Bidder should have the following minimum qualifications and experience:
Bidder must have applicable qualifications and experience with utilizing data in various formats, census data or other publicly available data sets to map and visualize features and demographics across multiple geographic territories.
Bidder must have applicable qualifications and experience to support the development of an integrated web browser-based GIS tool
Bidder must have applicable qualifications and experience with providing GIS services for CCAs or electric or municipal utilities.
This Scope of Services provides an overview of the main requirements for developing a complete and integrated broadband GIS visualization tool with aggregate data and an open dashboard. The project will require collaboration between a development team and relevant stakeholders to ensure successful implementation.
Services under this Notice are expected to commence no later than July 30, 2023, and continue until June 30, 2024 (“Term”).
The selected Bidder will need to provide the following:
A web-based GIS dashboard, using a robust database, for the mapping of information by location, geographical analysis of performance data, and to improve the effectiveness of learning and adaptive management and results visualization
Integration of geospatial data from multiple sources into a single GIS platform
Ability to aggregate data from different broadband service providers and other relevant sources, not limited to NTIA, FCC and the US Census Bureau, among others
Interactive visualization of geospatial data in the form of maps, charts, and tables
Search and query functionality to access specific location-based or geographic area data
Spatial analysis tools for measurements, coverage calculations, and population density analysis
Filtering and sorting capabilities to efficiently explore data
Integration of an open and customizable dashboard for users to visualize key metrics and generate custom reports
Data and map export functionality in common formats such as CSV, PDF, images (JPEG, SVgeoreferenced file formats (Shapefile(.Shp), KMZ/KML, and GeoJSON)
Technical Requirements
Development of the tool using state-of-the-art GIS technologies such as QGIS, Mapbox or any other open-source GIS Tool sets
Integration with geospatial databases to store and manage aggregated data
Implementation of security protocols to protect data confidentiality and integrity
Design of an intuitive and user-friendly interface for easy navigation and data comprehension
Compatibility with different platforms and devices, including desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices
Use of open standards to enable interoperability and integration with other tools and systems
Software and data need to reside within the Government Cloud architecture (AWS or AZURE)
Fully functional broadband GIS visualization tool can be divided into sub deliverables for agile implementation.
Integration of aggregated data from broadband service providers and other relevant sources
Overall creation of web based interactive mapping dashboard
Open and customizable dashboard with key metrics and report generation
Detailed technical documentation, including architecture diagrams, installation instructions, and user guides
Maintenance & Support
Bidder needs to provide comprehensive maintenance and support of the full platform for a period of one year
Bidder needs to have local presence
Bidder needs to have the ability to do on premise data or location validation
Bidder must be able to perform validation of premise location and attributes for broadband serviceable locations and community anchor institutions
Validation may require site visits to locations being validated
The Puerto Rico Broadband Program expects that the resultant GIS dashboard will offer robust visualization capabilities and provide users with multiple mapping, spatial analysis, and pattern modeling capabilities
Bidder must (a) describe in detail the compensation structure to meet the Scope of Services specified; (b) describe in detail any fees or charges for travel, telephone calls, and any other expenses anticipated to be incurred, which shall be separately billed (NOTE: any compensation for such fees or expenses shall be at-cost, i.e., no margin, or additional fees shall be charged); and (c) describe in detail any discounts or downward adjustments that are available and the conditions for such discounts. The compensation structure can include (i) fixed price or (ii) hourly rates, in which case the Bidder must specify the rate increments for each professional who will or is expected to perform services outlined herein, and a not-to-exceed amount.
Bidder shall include a fixed price for a “minimum viable product” that includes all items in Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, and an hourly rate for ongoing maintenance and support described in Sections 4.4 and 4.5, including customization of the minimum viable product, additional GIS analysis, report generation and data management.
Bidders must include pricing information for maintenance & support of the platform for a one-year term.
Bidder may, at its option, submit one (1) alternative pricing proposal but that proposal must specify any additional amounts proposed and justify in detail the cost breakdown for each individual scope item, or by another divisible increment. OMB reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to reject or accept any alternative pricing proposal.
Release of Notice - June 22, 2023
Deadline for Written Questions - June 30, 2023
Responses to Questions Provided - July 3, 2023
Proposals Due - July 7, 2023
Interviews (if needed) - July 10-11, 2023
Execution of Contract - No later than July 30, 2023
Commencement of Work - No later than July 30, 2023
Prospective bidders may submit questions regarding this Notice by email to with “GIS Notice” in the email’s subject line. When submitting questions, please specify which section of the Notice you are referencing and quote the language that prompted the question. OMB reserves the right to group similar questions when providing answers.
Proposals should be submitted electronically on the website by 4:00 pm on Friday, July 7, 2023. It is the sole responsibility of the submitting Bidder to ensure that its proposal is received before the submission deadline. Submitting Bidders shall bear all risks associated with delays in delivery. Any proposals received after the scheduled closing date and time for receipt of proposals may not be accepted.
Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the following evaluation criteria:
Evaluation Criteria
Bidder’s qualifications and experience
Bidder’s approach to the Scope of Services
Bidder’s existing tools and rapid implementation
Bidder’s Pricing
OMB will evaluate the proposals pursuant to internal evaluation processes. OMB may select one particular Bidder or select a combination of Bidders (with or without interviews); or conduct interviews with a “short list” of Bidders, consisting of those Bidders reasonably likely, in the opinion of OMB, to be awarded the contract. Any interview may include discussions about services offered, conflicts of interests with other clients, or fees/compensation amount or structure. Interviews may take place through written correspondence, telephone or video conference, and/or face-to-face interviews, at OMB’s sole discretion.
OMB reserves the right not to convene interviews or discussions, and to make an award on the basis of initial proposals received. References may be contacted at any point in the evaluation process.
A committee of OMB staff and/or consultants will review the proposals and evaluate them based on the aforementioned criteria. OMB and its staff and/or consultants reserve the right to request additional information from Respondents on an as-needed basis during the evaluation process. OMB reserves the right to select Bidders at its sole discretion.
Following this, OMB may enter negotiations with the Respondent to expand or contract the scope of work and adjust the grant amount accordingly.
After a Bidder has been selected, OMB will negotiate a contract for execution. If a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated, OMB may, at its sole discretion, begin contract negotiations with the next qualified Bidder who submitted a proposal, as determined by OMB. Bidders are further notified that OMB may disqualify any Bidder with whom OMB cannot satisfactorily negotiate a contract. A contract may be presented to OMB’s Board of Directors for approval.
Proposals shall include the following components:
Bidder’s qualifications and experience with the elements specified in Section 3 (Qualifications and Experience). Bidder must provide qualifications for all team members, including the principal, company official(s), and other personnel who Bidder anticipates will be assigned to work on behalf of OMB. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, Bidder’s anticipated subcontractors or teaming partners.
Bidder’s explanation for how it plans to meet the tasks and deliverables specified in the Scope of Services section. This section must include:
A list of the Bidder’s planned project team, who will be assigned to work on behalf of OMB, and an explanation for each project team member’s role and responsibility
A list of subcontractors, if any, and their respective roles and responsibilities separated by task
Bidder must provide its pricing proposal, including the information required in Section 5, “Pricing,” above. Bidder should describe any fixed fees or hourly billing rates, fees, or other compensation that Bidder may seek from OMB for services, inclusive of staff time, equipment, materials, travel, administrative/clerical, overhead and other out-of-pocket expenses, if applicable to this contract
If a teaming arrangement is being proposed, teaming partner or subcontractor costs should be broken out separately
Estimated timeline after contract execution:
Analysis, Design, and Definition Phase: 1 weeks
Development and Integration Phase: 4 weeks
Testing and Refinement Phase: 1 weeks
Implementation and Delivery Phase: 1 week
This Notice is a solicitation for proposals only and is not intended as an offer to enter into a contract or as a promise to engage in any formal competitive bidding or negotiations. OMB may, at its sole discretion, accept or reject any or all proposals submitted in response to this Notice. OMB also may, in its sole discretion, make no award for this Notice or cancel this Notice in its entirety. In addition, OMB may, at its sole discretion, only elect to proceed with contract negotiations for some of the services included in the proposal. OMB further reserves its right to waive minor errors and omissions in proposals, request additional information or revisions to offers, and to negotiate with any or all Bidders.
OMB shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the Bidder in connection with the preparation and submission of any proposal. OMB reserves the right to waive inconsequential disparities in a submitted proposal. OMB has the right to amend the Notice, in whole or in part, by written addendum, at any time. OMB is responsible only for that which is expressly stated in the solicitation document and any authorized written addenda. Such addendum shall be made available to each person or organization which OMB records indicate has received this Notice. Should such addendum require additional information not previously requested, failure to address the requirements of such addendum may result in the proposal being found non-responsive and not being considered, as determined in the sole discretion of OMB. OMB is not responsible for and shall not be bound by any representations otherwise made by any individual acting or purporting to act on its behalf. OMB has the right to reissue the Notice at a future date.
Responses to this Notice shall become the exclusive property of OMB. The recommended Bidder’s proposal will become a matter of public record when contract negotiations are complete and when an agreement is executed by OMB. Exceptions to disclosure may be available to those parts or portions of proposals that are justifiably and reasonably defined as business or trade secrets, and plainly marked by the Bidder as "Trade Secret", "Confidential", or "Proprietary". OMB shall not, in any way, be liable or responsible for the disclosure of any such record or any parts thereof if disclosure is required or permitted by law.
In the event OMB receives an information request for any of the aforementioned documents, information, records, and/or contents of a proposal marked "Confidential", "Trade Secrets", or "Proprietary", Bidder agrees to defend and indemnify OMB from all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in connection with any action, proceedings, or liability arising in connection with the information request.
A blanket statement of confidentiality or the marking of each page of the proposal as confidential shall not be deemed sufficient notice of a information request exemption, and a Bidder who indiscriminately and without justification identifies most or all of its proposal as exempt from disclosure or submits a redacted copy may be deemed non-responsive.
A Bidder's failure to request confidential treatment of material pursuant to this section and the relevant laws will be deemed by the OMB as a waiver of any right to confidentiality that the Bidder may have had and the OMB shall not, in any way, be liable or responsible for the disclosure of any such record or any parts thereof.
Bidders are required to review all applicable conflict of interest laws. You may not contact or receive information outside of this Notice process. If it is discovered that the Bidder contacted and received information from anyone other than the email address specified above and under the process specified herein regarding this solicitation, OMB may, in its sole discretion, disqualify your proposal from further consideration. All contact regarding this Notice or any matter relating thereto must be in writing and may be emailed to with the words “GIS Notice” in the email’s subject line.
Puerto Rico Broadband Program
In accordance with article 2(b) of Act No. 147-1980, as amended, known as the "Management and Budget Office Organic Act", Executive Order 2021-029 of April 27, 2021, the Circular Letter No. 013-2021 of the Puerto Rico Office of Management and Budget (PROMB), Executive Order 2022-040 of July 11, 2022, and the Regulations and Manuals adopted by virtue of the creation of the Puerto Rico Broadband Program (Broadband Program or the Program), the PROMB and is issuing this Request for Quote(s) for Support Efforts with grant administration and management for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) grant.
The Broadband Program is committed to promoting fair and open competition while seeking a competitive and cost-effective option. Proposals will only be received electronically through the Broadband Program webpage, Proposers are cautioned that the PROMB will not require nor accept physical proposal submissions, whether they be by courier, FedEx, UPS, DHL, personal delivery, or similar physical means, or by email.
The deadline to submit informal quotes/proposals is Monday, July 3, 2023.
The PROMB and the Broadband Program is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on sex, gender or sexual identity, race, age, national origin, religious creed, marital status, war veteran status, disability, or disability status.
Scope/Description of Work:
The following scope of services presents the minimum that will be required. Additional specific administrative support services and/or grant management duties may be assessed during the contract period as identified by PROMB and/or other federal regulatory requirements.
· Assist in administration of grant proposals selected for funding which address outreach efforts for the ACP.
· Assist in developing policies and procedures for ACP, as applicable.
· Assist with creation and/or maintenance of project files. These files must demonstrate compliance with all applicable state, local, and federal regulations.
· Assist with carrying out overall administration of grant related activities identified.
· Assist with compliance and monitoring of contractors, subrecipients, and developers, as applicable, with projects awarded federal funding.
· Assist with program design and/or development for activities identified PROMB ACP application.
· Assist in establishing an internal financial tracking system to ensure funds are expended within established timelines.
· Assist with review of draw requests submitted by contractors, subrecipients, and/or developers, as applicable.
· Assist with management of FCC disbursement system.
· Assist with the required risk assessments, subsidy layering, and/or underwriting of projects being considered for funding.
· Support and assist PROMB in the compliance with procurement regulations and policies and in overseeing procurement processes to ensure the award processes are fair and meet applicable rules and regulations.
· Design and execute procurement processes for the required contractors. Required contractors include:
o Event Planning
o Direct Mail
o Media Campaigns
o Digital Campaigns
o Application Assistance
o Outreach Materials Development
· Assist with contractor compliance.
· Assist with reporting requirements.
· Assist with compliance and monitoring of outreach efforts.
· Ensure recordkeeping compliance.
· Assist in all project/program closeout tasks and submissions and ensure that all closeout documents are prepared and submitted as required.
· Perform any other grant management duty or need, when requested, to ensure compliance with ACP grants and/or any other applicable federal and local requirements, rules, and regulations; and/or awarding entity requests under the grants.
· Provide additional resources, as requested, to appropriately and timely respond to any other grant management duty or need.
· Assist with preparation of project files identified as the subject of monitoring visits and/or audits by any requesting entity.
· Assist with preparation of monitoring and/or audit responses to findings and/or concerns.
Minimum Requirements:
· Knowledge of ACP grants fund requirements.
· Personnel must be fully bilingual – documents will be worked in both English and Spanish.
· Proponents must abide by all applicable regulations, both federal and state, that cover the Works that will be provided, including but not limited to, Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, Davis Bacon Act & Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act (40 USC §§ 3141-3144 & 3146-3148; 40 USC § 3145), Equal Employment Opportunity (41 CFR Chapter 60), Safety Standards Act (40 USC §§ 3701-3708), among others.
· Have the Certificación Única de Proveedores de Servicios Profesionales, issued by the Unique Registry of Professional Service Providers from the ASG.
· If the entity is a legal person, a Certification with the names of all the owners, shareholders, and officers of the corporation.
· Prior to the contract execution, the agency will search data bases, using their Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) to ensure that the proponent is not disqualified and can receive federal funds. As such, proponents must have their UEI and be registered in the System for Award Management, at the moment the proposal/quote is submitted or immediately after. For additional information on SAM, visit Contracts will be awarded only to an entity(ies) that is authorized and have not been deemed ineligible for the award of a contract due to a suspension, disabled, or limited denial of participation.
· Any other requirement and/or document called for by applicable law for services of this nature.
Contract term: 12-month contract, renewable for an additional year. Contract will not exceed the grant performance term for ACP. The contract is dependent on federal and local fund availability and may be terminated if funds are not approved.
The Governor of Puerto Rico, by means of the Executive Order No. 2022-040, created the Broadband Program in Puerto Rico (PRBP or the Program) under the PROMB and established the Executive Committee to supervise and administer disbursements of federal funds pursuant to Public Law 117-58, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Broadband Infrastructure Grant, the Capital Project Fund, and the Fiscal Plan, as certified by the Fiscal Oversight Management Board. In the past months, the PROMB has been awarded additional funding for the PRBP by the NTIA by means of the State Digital Equity and BEAD planning grants. The PROMB will carry out broadband activities through the PRBP by integrating the use of the allocated and awarded funds.
The Proposer will be directly responsible for ensuring the accuracy, timeliness, and completion of all tasks assigned under this contract. The scope of work presented is based upon circumstances existing at the time of solicitation. The OGP reserves the right to modify or delete the tasks listed and, if appropriate, add additional tasks prior to and during the term of the contract.
If additional funds are allocated to the PROMB during the life of the contract, Proposer staff may be assigned to work on those future funds awarded and potentially expand those services to accommodate other similar programs yet to be defined. There is no guarantee of a minimum level of services which may be requested by the PROMB under a contract.
The role of the Advertising and Design Services Firm plays a key role in the execution of the awarded, time-sensitive project.
The time-period under which the services must be provided is from October 2023 until June 30, 2024.
The entity that will offer services must have an active account and an active RUP ASG registration at the time of submittal of the Proposal for Professional Services, which is October 10, 2023.
The organization that offers the services must meet the following requirements.
• Deliver high quality services as outlined below with skill, integrity, confidentiality, accuracy, and expertise.
• Must have Creative Advertising and Design experience gained within a B2C environment.
• Experience within Government, Telecoms or Broadband would be an advantage.
• Excellent stakeholder, agency, and communication skills (English and Spanish)
• Proficient use of office, design and project managing tools and software.
• Available to start with little or no notice.
• Are knowledgeable concerning Information Technology (IT) and their administration, procedures, and policies, including in-depth knowledge of Broadband, technology, Communications functions, and best practices.
• Have an established reputation for superior consulting.
• Are experienced in conducting similar Advertising and Design Strategies.
• Possess a comprehensive understanding of how government organizations (preferably in the IT sector) are structured and function and Offer services on a competitive fee basis.
• Manage the visual communication of the PRBP to users, media, public and private partners.
• Works with the PRBP to execute strategic marketing communications and materials.
• Responsible for the management of the end-to-end creative process.
• Management of large multimedia and production budgets.
• Responsible for campaign planning including measures of success.
• Design and execution of promotion initiatives for the PRBP.
• Responsible for reviewing and approving through the line execution.
• Conducting planning sessions with our board of directors, staff, and key stakeholders.
• Concept development, including quality graphic design.
• Develop original copy (text), copywriting, translations, and editing, including Spanish and other language marketing collateral for Communications & Outreach Services as needed.
• Professional third-party review of our current communications strategic plan. Description of Task: The Consultant will work with the Executive Director and senior
management to design a communication and marketing plan that visually identifies the program’s key messages, target audience(s), and potential communication actions.
• Support outreach firm with invitees and graphic materials.
• Manage the PRBP's social media outlets.
• Create branding and brand experiences to connect with communities and drive more engagement.
• Develop position papers and programs to anticipate and contribute to the public debate, regarding access to information and communications policy.
• Assist the PRBP design and conduct working sessions with board members, staff, and key stakeholders. Description of Task: The consultant firm will work with the Executive Director and Broadband team to incorporate visuals identified in the work sessions into a final version of the Board’s communication plan, and to develop a detailed implementation plan for 2023 that focuses on implementing identified priorities. The final draft will be reviewed by the Board of Directors and key partners.
• Provide recommendations and strategies as deemed appropriate to enhance the Program’s image, messaging, and brand identity.
• Develop videos, newsletters, social media and website content, and fact sheets for District events, initiatives, projects, and services.
• Develop strategies for countering misinformation and misconceptions.
• Provide the PRBP team with guidance on advertising best practices as a critical Communications & Outreach Services source for social media content.
• Identify appropriate imagery to aid social media posts’ work impact and reach.
• Build messaging that can be used in various channels, including social media, and paid traditional media, to target critical audiences through timely and relevant channels to drive awareness, create an emotional connection, educate on important actions, and drive traffic to the website & program.
• Assist with event production and promotion as needed.
• Assist in the coordination and management of suppliers for event production as needed.
• Submit monthly reports to the PRBP by summarizing activities during the previous month before identified due date.
• Meet with the Community Outreach Manager and Coordinator to discuss reports and deliverables.
• Proposals submissions shall contain the following information. A general description of the Consultant firm’s approach to this project, including an explanation of the approach and methodology used.
A “not-to-exceed cost” to perform the scope of services should be listed above and include, if applicable, hourly rates to perform work and a fee schedule for reimbursable expenses.
The Governor of Puerto Rico, by means of the Executive Order No. 2022-040, created the Broadband Program in Puerto Rico (PRBP or the Program) under the PROMB and established the Executive Committee to supervise and administer disbursements of federal funds pursuant to Public Law 117-58, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Broadband Infrastructure Grant, the Capital Project Fund, and the Fiscal Plan, as certified by the Fiscal Oversight Management Board. In the past months, the PROMB has been awarded additional funding for the PRBP by the NTIA by means of the State Digital Equity and BEAD planning grants. The PROMB will carry out broadband activities through the PRBP by integrating the use of the allocated and awarded funds.
The Proposer will be directly responsible for ensuring the accuracy, timeliness, and completion of all tasks assigned under this contract. The scope of work presented is based upon circumstances existing at the time of solicitation. The OGP reserves the right to modify or delete the tasks listed and, if appropriate, add additional tasks prior to and during the term of the contract.
If additional funds are allocated to the PROMB during the life of the contract, Proposer staff may be assigned to work on those future funds awarded and potentially expand those services to accommodate other similar programs yet to be defined. There is no guarantee of a minimum level of services which may be requested by the PROMB under a contract.
The role of the Media Monitoring, Press Management and Relations Services Firm plays a key role in the execution of the awarded, time-sensitive project.
The time period under which the services must be provided is from October 2023 until June 30, 2024.
The entity that will offer services must have an active account and an active RUP ASG registration at the time of submittal of the Proposal for Professional Services, which is October 10, 2023.
The organization that offers the services must meet the following requirements.
• Deliver high quality services as outlined below with skill, integrity, confidentiality, accuracy, and expertise.
• Must have Press, Media, Crisis Management and Outreach experience gained within a B2C environment.
• Experience within Telecoms, Government and/or Broadband would be an advantage.
• Excellent stakeholder, agency, and communication skills (English and Spanish).
• Proficient use of office and project managing tools and software.
• Available to start with little or no notice.
• Are knowledgeable concerning Information Technology (IT) and their administration, procedures, and policies, including in-depth knowledge of Broadband, technology, Communications functions, and best practices.
• Have an established reputation for superior consulting.
• Are experienced in conducting similar Press and Media Strategies.
• Possess a comprehensive understanding of how government organizations (preferably in the IT sector) are structured and function and Offer services on a competitive fee basis.
• Manage including monitoring the media relations and exposure of the PRBP to users, media, public and private partners.
• The development of a long-range strategic integrated press and unpaid media plan for the PRBP.
• Works with internal stakeholders and external partners to execute strategic marketing communications.
• By phone or teleconference capabilities, participate in monthly strategy discussions with the PRBP outreach team.
• Monitor local and national publications and online alerts for Puerto Rico Broadband Program.
• Develop and manage a 12-month calendar for the PRBP implementation plan.
• Provide management and direction in implementing and maintaining a strategic communication plan by managing media relations for the PRBP, keeping the public and the workforce informed, and engaging the public in each Broadband effort.
• Execute the coordination of assessment meetings for each municipality for the PRBP, if needed.
• Monitor and research current and relevant emerging research, industry, and policy developments. Monitor local and national publications and online alerts for stories about the PRBP.
• Support the PRBP with policymakers, industry players, academia, and key opinion formers in thoughtful dialogue, if needed.
• Provide crisis communication counsel, as necessary.
• Develop press releases, press conferences and media tours for media exposure.
• Provide strategic support for communication projects, initiatives, and campaigns designed to advance the vision, mission, image, and branding.
• Create messaging to drive interaction and share relevant content by providing opportunities to interact with the programs and services.
• Develop strategies to raise public and community awareness of the PRBP.
• Tracking and responding to stories, events, and crises, from communities and in the media that may benefit the program from a response on behalf of the Broadband program, upon direction and approval by the Program Director & Outreach Manager.
• Submit monthly reports to the PRBP by summarizing activities during the previous month before identified due date.
• Meet with the Community Outreach Manager and Coordinator to discuss reports and deliverables.
• Proposals submissions shall contain the following information. A general description of the Consultant firm’s approach to this project, including an explanation of the approach and methodology used.
• Arranging press conferences, including preparing press releases.
• Assist in press coordination for events, event coordination and setting, upon request.
• Photographers, ASL interpreters and videographers’ services, upon request.
A “not-to-exceed cost” to perform the scope of services should be listed above and include, if applicable, hourly rates to perform work and a fee schedule for reimbursable expenses.
Puerto Rico Broadband's Office of Management and Budget and Broadband Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, or disability, and provides, upon request, reasonable accommodation, including assistance and services, to allow a person with a disability the same opportunity to participate in all programs and activities. The Office of Management and Budget continuously strives to make this web platform easy to navigate for screen readers, as well as for other accessibility related functionality, in addition to providing access to documents. To request assistance with this website or a copy of a specific document, you can contact 787-721-7100x3257 or write an email to
The Office of Management and Budget and the Puerto Rico Broadband Program does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, or disability, and provides, upon request, reasonable accommodation, including auxiliary aids and services, to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in all services, programs and activities. The Office of Management and Budget continuously strives to make this web platform friendly to screen readers and other accessibility-related software and provide accessible documents. To request assistance with this site or a copy of a specific document, please call or write to 787-721-7100 x 3257 or
Any citizen can inform about irregularities in the use of public funds or that can represent fraudulent or public corruption acts. Send an email to or present your complaint at Citizens may also communicate with the General Inspector’s Office (OIG) confidential line: 787-679-7979. The complainant is protected by law against retaliation for presenting a complaint.