The BEAD Challenge is an initiative of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) under the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. Its objectives are to identify underserved areas to improve connectivity and promote digital equity.
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We're in Phase 2 of the BEAD Challenge!
From November 15 to December 15, challenged Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have the opportunity to provide evidence to support their claims about challenged locations. Everyone's collaboration is essential to ensure a transparent and effective process. Let's keep working together for a more connected Puerto Rico!
The process that will be carried out involves non-profit organizations, local governments and community anchor institutions (CAI). These entities will be able to question connectivity issues and the eligibility of community locations and institutions.
They are key entities that facilitate greater use of broadband services in their communities, especially for vulnerable populations.
Final Determination
During the Challenge Phase, the entity will present the “challenge” through the BEAD Challenge Process portal. This challenge will be visible to the service provider whose availability and performance of the service is being challenged. The portal will notify the provider of the challenge through an automated email, which will include related information about the time for the provider's response.
Only the contested Internet service provider can refute the reclassification of a location or area with evidence, causing the location or locations to enter the “disputed” state. If a challenge that meets the minimum level of evidence is not refuted, the challenge is maintained. A vendor can also agree to the challenge and therefore make the transition from location to “sustained” status. Providers should regularly check the notification method of the dispute portal (for example, email) to see if there are notifications of challenges submitted.
The Puerto Rico Broadband Program will make the final determination of the location's classification, either declaring the challenge “sustained” or “rejected.”
The identified broadband service is not offered at the location, including a unit of a multiple dwelling unit (MDU).
The only service plans marketed to consumers impose an unreasonable capacity allocation (“data limit”) on the consumer.
The provider has terms of service that show that they don't impose an unreasonable data limit or offer another plan at the location without an unreasonable limit.
The challenger is aware that broadband will be implemented at this location before June 30, 2024, without an enforceable commitment or that a provider is implementing a broadband offering that meets performance beyond the requirements of an enforceable commitment.
Documentation showing that the vendor can no longer meet the commitment (for example, it is no longer a business in operation) or that the planned implementation does not meet the required technological or performance requirements.
The challenger is aware that broadband will be implemented in this location by the date established in the implementation obligation.
Enforceable commitment on the part of the service provider (for example, letter of authorization).
Documentation stating that the supplier has breached the commitment or is otherwise unable to meet the commitment (for example, it is no longer a business in operation).
The technology indicated for this location is incorrect.
Manufacturer and model number of the residential gateway (CPE) that demonstrates that the service is delivered through a specific technology.
The provider has contrary evidence from their network management system that shows a suitable residential gateway that matches the service provided.
The location is residential, but the service offered is marketed or available only to businesses.
Screenshot of the vendor's website.
Provider documentation stating that the service listed on the BDC is available at the location and is marketed to consumers.
This location is in an area that is subject to an enforceable commitment for less than 100% of the locations and the location is not covered by that commitment. (See BEAD NOFO at 36, no. 52.)
Statement by the service provider subject to the enforceable commitment.