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Puerto Rico Broadband Program Announces New Request for Proposals for Grant Management

The Puerto Rico Broadband Program announced a Request for Proposals to obtain grant administration services, said Enrique Völckers-Nin, the executive director of the program and assistant secretary for Innovation, Information, Data and Technology of the Puerto Rico government.


As published, proposals are being required from duly competent companies that can provide professional services in the areas of: evaluation of the broadband program; development of program procedures; processing of grant agreements; structuring project management and policy service; reporting, monitoring and compliance of the program; disbursement program and financial management; and collaboration with relevant stakeholders.


“One of the main purposes we seek is to help create lasting public policies as well as partnerships with public (federal and local) and private stakeholders to ensure the expansion of broadband and maintain quality service levels. Also, provide support to streamline applicable permission and planning processes and to make sustainable use of existing public broadband assets,” explained Völckers-Nin.


All proposals, which will be valid for a period of 90 days once submitted, must meet the established requirements and must be submitted on or before December 22, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. Any proposal submitted after the due date will be considered late, rejected and may be returned, subject to disclaimers from Government Parties and the reservation of Rights.


Likewise, proposals will be prepared in English and all prices will be quoted in US dollars. Government parties will not accept any proposal or modification of a proposal submitted by telephone, electronic or facsimile, except as provided in this document.


All proposals will be submitted electronically through the Smart Island portal platform: The subject of the presentation should be: Re: “Concession Management Services for the Puerto Rico Broadband Program.”


The Puerto Rico Broadband Program was created by the governor, Pedro R. Pierluisi, through Executive Order 20240 for the purpose of coordinating, authorizing and executing the disbursement of local and federal funds allocated to Puerto Rico for the construction of broadband infrastructure on the island. The Program will develop a 5-year Strategic Plan which will ensure that funds are used within the established terms to do so and will ensure that the broadband infrastructure necessary to close the digital divide on the island is built promptly. For additional details of the Puerto Rico Broadband Program, you can visit https

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