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Request design and engineering proposals for underground telecommunications pipelines under the Puerto Rico Broadband program

The executive director of the Smart Island program, Enrique Völckers-Nin, announced that the request for proposals (RFP) PRBP-2023-PRBIF-01-003 is available, which seeks to obtain proposals from companies that can help with the design and engineering of a network of underground ducts and fiber optics that will interconnect up to 78 municipalities in Puerto Rico.


“Through the funds available for the Broadband program, created by Governor Pedro Pierluisi, we continue to develop efforts aimed at ensuring that all Puerto Ricans have access to high-speed internet connections, as well as improving Puerto Rico's broadband infrastructure,” said Völckers-Nin.


The also assistant secretary of the Government for Innovation, Information, Data and Technology of the government of Puerto Rico, indicated that “our Smart Island program has great advances and with this historic investment in broadband infrastructure and the digital inclusion efforts that we continue to develop, Puerto Rico will be better positioned to thrive in the digital world and fully participate in modern society.”


Smart Island program funds complement federal government allocations to accelerate growth and support efforts to expand access to broadband and expand citizen use of online resources. The project that will be developed under this RFP will be precisely to support the engineering and management of the program, as well as the expansion and construction of the open access network.


This project will be divided into three phases: planning, design and engineering. During the first phase, the selected proposer will employ methods such as interviews with current service providers and other stakeholders, conduct field visits and validate existing documentation to evaluate the status and viability of Puerto Rico's current broadband infrastructure. You must also strategically design a network that allows the development of a robust and resilient broadband network on the Island.


It will also work with the Government of Puerto Rico to identify the primary anchoring sites that will be served with the duct system and the routes for the deployment of fiber optic cabling. It will be the responsibility of the selected proposer to verify and modify, if necessary, the route to avoid obstacles and obstructions. The main objective of this phase is to provide a complete design from conception to a low-level design ready for construction.


In the design phase, the selected proposer will be tasked with designing a strategic plan, including underground routes for optical fiber. The main objective of this phase is to establish reinforced roads that extend to communities and areas that currently lack access to broadband technologies and infrastructure. The secondary objective of this design phase is the implementation of an open access fiber network.


This network will seek to provide a minimum of 1GB symmetric connectivity service for public schools, public or multifamily housing, libraries, medical or health care providers, community colleges or other higher education institutions, and any other governmental or non-profit community support organization where a need for connection is identified.


In addition, it will stimulate economic development, promote connectivity, strengthen infrastructure, provide business services at competitive prices, expand the reach of fiber to underserved areas, increase competition and provide additional resilient options for service providers, government agencies and other organizations.


Finally, and once the first two phases have been completed and approved, the selected proposer will generate documentation that will provide details of the line of operation, identifying the main obstructions and potential problems, and providing the details of the level of construction required for the Government of Puerto Rico and local permits, among other responsibilities.


Those interested in knowing more details about the RFP and/or applying can visit Proposals will be received by Friday, January 5, 2024. For additional details of the Puerto Rico Broadband Program, you can visit https

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