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Request proposals for the design and implementation of resilient energy systems and reinforced infrastructure

The executive director of the Smart Island program, Enrique A. Völckers-Nin, announced that a Request for Proposals (RFP) has been published that seeks proposals to implement systems to provide reliable and resilient energy and reinforced infrastructure to key telecommunications facilities. This will minimize the loss of Internet connectivity and telecommunications in Puerto Rico. The deadline for this RFP is June 2, 2023.

The projects submitted to implement the systems in this first phase, which has an allocation of $15 million, must be rapidly implemented. “We all know that energy and telecommunications infrastructure in Puerto Rico face great challenges. The Government of Puerto Rico has initiated several projects focused on strengthening these systems, and with this RFP we seek to identify those proponents who can both develop and implement projects that allow us to maintain a robust and resilient infrastructure,” explained Völckers-Nin.

The executive director added that “we all remember that after the passage of Hurricane Maria, we were left incommunicado. Governor Pedro Pierluisi has been emphatic that this situation cannot be repeated and it is crucial to prioritize the development of energy and resilient infrastructure that can withstand these challenges and keep our communities connected, informed and safe, ultimately improving the overall quality of Internet connectivity for Puerto Ricans, especially in times of disaster. This grant program also covers security infrastructure for key telecommunications sites.”

It was reported that the proposals should include details on the design and installation of projects that can provide uninterrupted power to telecommunications facilities, as well as their fuel storage and distribution systems with a minimum capacity of 10 days of continuous operations.

Also, details on the implementation and operation of monitoring and control systems that can remotely monitor the performance of energy infrastructure and detect any problem before it causes service interruptions. It should also contain information on the development and execution of training for the proposer's technical staff on the operation and maintenance of resilient energy infrastructure, as well as details on the design and implementation of the security infrastructure in the telecommunications facility, among other details.

Funding for this program comes from the Puerto Rico Smart Island or Broadband Program, under the Office of Management and Budget (OGP). Smart Island was created by Governor Pierluisi through Executive Order 20240 on July 11, 2022. The main purpose of this program is to coordinate, authorize and execute the disbursement of local and federal funds allocated to the construction of broadband infrastructure in Puerto Rico.

Those interested in submitting their proposals should do so through For additional details of the Puerto Rico Broadband Program, you can visit (

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